On Choosing a Path

Is there something nagging at you?

Something you want? Something that would make your life better? Something for which you’re longing? Most people smooth over that want the same way you would smooth out wrinkles on a freshly made bed with your hands.


Spend time with that nagging sensation. Nurture it. Pick it up and study it carefully. Most of the time it will turn out to just be a temporary, skin-deep desire: we want to pop bottles in the club, to wear a Patek Philippe, to live like a celebrity, to drive a sexy car.

But sometimes it’s something deeper. Something fundamental. Perhaps that thirst is rooted in a change that would truly fulfill you. Something that would make your life more complete. If you bury it you’ll have lost something valuable.

Dig deep into that need. Where does that itch come from? Keep asking questions until you get an answer. Will it truly give you satisfaction?

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Let’s say that one day you feel the tiniest urge to go back to school. Ignore it at first, but if it persists for a while, hanging around like an unrelenting housefly, ask yourself why.

Because I’m stuck. 

What do you mean, stuck?

I hate my job. I don’t make enough money. I want things to change.

And you can fix all that by going back to school?

No, I guess not. What really bothers me is that I hate my job. It’s boring as hell and doesn’t pay enough.

Now we’re getting somewhere…

You get the idea. Don’t give in to that desire immediately. Engage it and find out what’s underneath. Many times you’ll find the perfect solution sitting right in front. All you have to do is keep asking questions until you get to the right questions.

Self-questioning is the first step in figuring out what you really want. If you would like to avoid floating through life like most people, just getting by and being nagged by wants and needs left and right, then delve into them, understand what they really are, and decide which are important and which can wait.

Of the important ones, determine which is the most worth pursuing. Then go after it with both hands.

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